Static Vs Dynamic IP address

An IP Address or Internet Protocol Address consists of 4 sets of numbers separated with periods. Each number set in a IP Address can be anywhere between 1 to 3 digits. For example, an IP Address can be in the form The purpose of assigning IP Address is to identify each computer on the internet, which in-turn helps to send and receive data to other computers on the internet. Just as your home address identifies and differentiates your house from other houses, an IP Address identifies and differentiates your computer from millions of other computers on the internet.

What is Static IP

As the term indicates, A Static IP Address is a set of numbers assigned to your computer that do not change and stay the same all the time. A Static IP address usually needs to be purchased and requires you to pay an extra monthly fee to your Internet service provider.

Advantages of Static IP Address:

Faster Upload speeds Faster Download speeds Stable Connection Great for Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Great for hosting or creating servers

Disadvantages of Static IP Address:

Requires an Extra Fee Less Security Once you are blocked from a website or service you stay blocked forever, as your IP Address does not change Hard to Setup

What is Dynamic IP

Unlike the Static IP Address, a Dynamic IP Address can be changed by your Internet Service provides at any time. Depending on your service provider, Dynamic IP’s may change daily, weekly or even remain the same for months. In general, Dynamic IP Addresses are randomly assigned and Internet Service providers do not charge any extra IP Address fee for this regular type of IP Address.

Advantages of Dynamic IP:

Good Security No need to pay any Extra Fees Very Easy to Setup You get unblocked from a service/website quickly as your IP address changes

Disadvantages of Dynamic IP

Not the best option for hosting/creating servers Slower Download Speeds than Static IP’s Slower Upload Speeds than Static IP’s

Static vs Dynamic IP | Which one do I need?

Most users who use the internet for browsing websites, Gmail, Social media, downloading/uploading files and gaming do not really need a static IP Address and should be fine with a dynamic one. If you use the internet for creating servers, hosting servers or websites or need to white list your IP address for security purposes then you should go for a static IP.

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